What Conifers Grow in Zone 9?
Here are some popular zone 9 conifers: White Pine – White pine trees tend to be hardy up to zone 9. Some good varieties include:
Southwestern white pine Weeping white pine Contorted white pine Japanese white pine
Juniper – Junipers come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. They are often fragrant. Not all junipers can survive in zone 9, but some good hot weather choices include:
Mint Julep juniper Japanese Dwarf Garden juniper Youngstown Andorra juniper San Jose juniper Green Columnar juniper Eastern red cedar (this is juniper not cedar)
Cypress – Cypress trees often grow to be tall and narrow and make great specimens on their own and privacy screens in a row. Some good zone 9 varieties are:
Leyland cypress Donard Gold Monterey cypress Italian cypress Arizona cypress Bald cypress
Cedar – Cedars are beautiful trees that come in all shapes and sizes. Some good zone 9 specimens include:
Deodar cedar Incense cedar Weeping Blue Atlas cedar Black Dragon Japanese cedar
Arborvitae – Arborvitae make very hard specimen and hedge trees. Some good zone 9 trees include:
Oriental arborvitae Dwarf Golden arborvitae Thuja Green Giant
Monkey Puzzle – Another interesting conifer to consider planting in the zone 9 landscape is the monkey puzzle tree. It has unusual growth with foliage consisting of spiky, sharp tips growing upward in whorls and produces large cones.