Growing Trees in Zone 8

With an average minimum winter temperature between 10 and 20 degrees F. (-12 to -7 C.), USDA zone 8 can’t support trees that are frost sensitive. It can, however, support a huge range of cold hardy trees. The range is so big, in fact, that it’s impossible to cover every species. Here is a selection of common zone 8 trees, separated into broad categories:

Common Zone 8 Trees

Deciduous trees are extremely popular in zone 8. This list includes both broad families (like maples, most of which will grow in zone 8) and narrow species (like honey locust):

Beech Birch Flowering Cherry Maple Oak Redbud Crape Myrtle Sassafras Weeping Willow Dogwood Poplar Ironwood Honey Locust Tulip Tree

Zone 8 is a slightly tricky spot for fruit production. It’s a little too cold for a lot of citrus trees, but the winters are a little too mild to get adequate chill hours for apples and many stone fruits. While one or two varieties of most fruits can be grown in zone 8, these fruit and nut trees for zone 8 are the most reliable and common:

Apricot Fig Pear Pecan Walnut

Evergreen trees are popular for their year-round color and often distinctive, sappy fragrance. Here are some of the most popular evergreen trees for zone 8 landscapes:

Eastern White Pine Korean Boxwood Juniper Hemlock Leyland Cypress Sequoia Popular Zone 8 Tree Varieties   Growing Trees In Zone 8 Landscapes - 28