Shooting Star Plant Propagation via Seed
Shooting stars may be propagated either by sowing seeds or by division. While propagating shooting star plants via seed is possible, keep in mind that the seeds need to go through a period of cold stratification before they are ready to plant and they grow very slowly. After flowering, shooting star produces small, hard green capsules. These capsules are the fruit of the plant and contain seeds. Allow the pods to remain on the plants until the fall when they will have dried and are about to split open. Harvest the pods at this time and remove the seeds. To stratify the seeds, put them in the refrigerator for about 90 days. Then in the spring, plant the seeds in a prepared bed.
How to Propagate Shooting Star by Division
If you are going to try shooting star plant propagation by dividing the plants, dig the mature crowns up in the fall when they are dormant. Divide the crowns and replant in a moist area, such as by a water feature or in a naturalized garden or in a rock garden. Propagation of shooting star either via seed or division will guarantee a lovely field of star-like pendulous blossoms from late spring to early summer. Once the plants are established, shooting star will return year after year, rewarding you with its white, pink, or violet blooms. Do keep in mind to protect early plants from deer and elk that enjoy dining on the tender early shoots in the spring.