Known to withstand cold winter weather, many of its growers have begun to explore other decorative uses for boxwood shrubs. In recent years, boxwood Christmas décor has gained popularity among those who celebrate the holiday. Making a boxwood tabletop tree can also become a fun indoor craft project for your next celebration.  

How to Make a Tabletop Boxwood for Christmas

For many, Christmas season is a time in which homes are decorated. From shimmering lights to trees, there is seldom a shortage of holiday cheer. While it is extremely common to bring large trees indoors, this may not be a viable option for everyone. Mini boxwood Christmas trees, however, can be a unique alternative to more traditional trees. Tabletop boxwood for Christmas can also serve as accent décor in windows, on porches, or even within the holiday tablescape. Those who wish to create a tabletop boxwood for Christmas will first need to collect the needed materials. Glossy, year-round foliage is a trademark of boxwood plants. Therefore, a large number of branches will need to be gathered. While boxwood shrubs will benefit from pruning, make certain not to remove excess foliage. Dried boxwood branches or artificial branches can also be purchased from craft stores. Before deciding which type of branch to use, make certain to weigh the pros and cons of each in order to select that which best serves the desired purpose and design look. (Note: you can also purchase or create a topiary boxwood instead.) Next, select a cone-shaped foam form. Cones made of Styrofoam are common for the creation of mini boxwood Christmas trees made from dried or artificial materials. Those making a boxwood tabletop tree out of freshly cut branches should consider the use of florist’s foam, which will assist in keeping branches hydrated while in use as décor. This will help to keep boxwood Christmas décor looking its best for as long as possible. To begin filling in the cone with branches, ensure that it is first anchored to a strong base or container to hold the weight of the finished miniature boxwood arrangement. Once all of the branches have been inserted into the tabletop boxwood, consider going back and pruning the “tree” to create the perfect shape. Finished miniature boxwood Christmas trees can then be decorated, much the same as their larger counterparts. As always, it will be essential to follow decorating guidelines related to fire prevention and general safety in the home. 

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