Different Kinds of Rakes for Gardening
There are two very basic types of rakes: Lawn Rake/Leaf Rake – This is the rake that most readily comes to mind when you hear the word rake and think about falling leaves. The tines are long and fan out from the handle, with a cross piece of material (usually metal) holding them in place. The edges of the tines are bent over at about 90 degrees. These rakes are designed to pick up leaves and lawn debris without penetrating or damaging the grass or soil beneath. Bow Rake/Garden Rake – This rake is more heavy-duty. Its tines are wide-set and short, usually only about 3 inches (7.5 cm.) long. They bend down from the head at a 90-degree angle. These rakes are almost always made of metal and are sometimes called iron rakes or level head rakes. They are used for moving, spreading, and leveling soil.
Additional Rakes for Gardening
While there are two main types of garden rakes, there are also other types of rakes that are a little less common, but they definitely have their uses. What are rakes used for other than the above-mentioned tasks? Let’s find out. Shrub Rake – This is almost the same as a leaf rake, except that it’s much narrower. It’s more easily handled and fits better into small places, like under shrubs (hence the name), to rake up leaves and other litter. Hand Rake – This is a small, handheld rake that’s about the size of a trowel. These rakes tend to be made out of metal for heavy-duty work – and they’re a little bit like miniature bow rakes. With only a few long, pointed tines, these rakes are perfect for digging and moving soil in a small area. Thatch Rake – This mean-looking rake is a bit like a bow rake with blades on either end. It’s used for breaking up and removing thick thatch in lawns.