Zone 4 Shade Gardening

Choosing cold hardy plants for a shade garden need not be a daunting task. There are actually plenty of zone 4 shade-loving plants out there: Hellebore – Suited for dappled light to heavy shade. Hosta – Available in hundreds of varieties with varying shade requirements. Bleeding Heart – Beautiful, signature flowers, partial to full shade. Japanese Painted Fern – Full shade or some sun if the soil is kept moist. Ajuga – Tolerates full sun to full shade. Foamflower – Groundcover that prefers partial to heavy shade. Astilbe – Likes rich, moist soil and full shade. Siberian Bugloss – Likes partial to heavy shade and moist soil. Ladybell – Tolerates full sun to moderate shade and produces blue bell-shaped flowers. Oriental Lily – Tolerates full sun to partial shade. Not quite all varieties are hardy to zone 4. New England Aster – Tolerates full sun to light shade. Azalea – Does very well in shade, but only some varieties are hardy to zone 4.

Picking Shade Plants for Zone 4

When planting shade plants for zone 4, it’s important to pay attention to the plants’ needs. Even if a plant is rated for full shade, if it’s languishing, try moving it! See what works best with your climate and your level of shade.

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